Cultural and creative sectors (along with the tourism sector) are among the most affected by the current Covid-19 crisis throughout whole Europe.

Specifically for the creative arts market on which the DiGiPORT project shall mainly focus, it relies heavily on a dense European calendar of venue-based events (i.e. art fairs, biennial events, gallery exhibitions, etc.) CCS is largely composed of micro-firms and creative self-employed professionals, often operating on the margins of financial sustainability.

Furthermore, massive digitalization combined with emerging technologies (VR and AR) can create new forms of cultural experience, dissemination and new business models that are well adapted to the new needs and trends. There is an opportunity for a major innovation breakthrough in terms of the deployment of state-of-the-art technologies that allow “presence at a distance” (artificial intelligence, virtual and enriched reality, Internet of Things, etc.) to build a new “experience economy”.

Within this framework, the DiGiPORT project will aim to equip adult trainers and adult education organizations in order to enable them support CCS professionals and artists with developing the necessary digital and entrepreneurial skills that will allow them to ensure their sustainability and, also, to enhance their resilience towards similar challenges and crises.

The DiGiPORT project will aim to equip adult trainers and adult education organizations in order to enable them support CCS professionals and artists with developing the necessary digital and entrepreneurial skills that will allow them to ensure their sustainability and, also, to enhance their resilience towards similar challenges and crises. Moving onwards from the competences’ development, the DiGiPORT project aims to develop and establish a pan-European online platform that will allow CCS professionals and artists to establish their own digital pop-up shops, through which they will be able to promote and disseminate their work and reach out to their target groups.      

CCS professionals and aspiring art entrepreneurs are in need to acquire a set of entrepreneurial and digital competences in an interactive and engaging way, in order to modify the way creative products, cultural goods and events are created, managed, disseminated and consumed during and after Covid-19 crisis.

DiGiPORT’s target groups fall under the following two main categories:
1) Adult trainers and adult education organizations dealing with the support and training of CCS professionals and artists and eager to acquire new and innovative tools along with the necessary knowledge to support entrepreneurial and digital skills development locally and at European level.
2) Unemployed and/or self-employed CCS professionals and aspiring (art) entrepreneurs who are exposed to the risk of exclusion due to the Covid-19 crisis and other social, economic or geographical obstacles.

The DiGiPORT project, recognizing the importance of CCS for the European and national economies and the significant challenges these sectors are facing due to the current Covid- 19 crisis along with the major opportunities emerging for the sector through the exploitation of state-of-the-art technologies and digitization, will aim to equip CCS professionals and artists with the necessary digital and entrepreneurial skills that will allow them to ensure their sustainability and, also, to enhance their resilience towards similar challenges and crises.
Moving onwards from the competences’ development, the DiGiPORT project aims to develop and establish a panEuropean online platform that will allow CCS professionals and artists to create their own digital pop-up shops, through which they will be able to promote and disseminate their work and reach out to their target groups in times when venue based and physical activities are impossible to be organized and implemented.

Based on the CCS professionals / artists’ needs analysis, DiGiPORT partners shall proceed with the development of the training course. The main objective of the training course will be to equip CCS professionals / artists with the necessary digital and entrepreneurial skills which will allow them to enhance their resilience and economic/business sustainability in Covid-19 similar crises. Specifically for the digital skills module, this shall focus on providing CCS professionals / artists with the necessary knowledge and skills that will allow them to use and exploit the DiGiPORT online content platform and create their own digital pop-up shops within the platform.

Social distancing measures had a severe negative impact on the venue-based sectors, such as galleries, pop-up shops, handcraft stores,
performing arts, museums, etc., affecting negatively their revenues and,
therefore, their financial sustainability and viability. Within this context and moving onwards from the competences’ development achieved though PR1 and the innovative training course, through PR2 activities DiGiPORT partners aim to develop and establish a pan-European online content platform that will allow CCS professionals and artists to create their own digital pop-up shops, through which they will be able to promote and disseminate their work and reach out to their target groups in times when venue based and physical activities are impossible to be organized and implemented.

The DiGiPORT Toolkit for adult educators & adult education
organizations shall serve a bi-fold purpose:
1) It will ensure the availability and sustainability of the project’s results;
2) It will ensure the highest possible level of transferability of the tools, materials and methodologies developed within the project.

To this purpose, the DiGiPORT Toolkit will include:
– The innovative training material developed within the project;
– Tools that adult educators & adult education organizations can exploit in order to support CCS professionals / artists with their personal and
professional development;
– A manual / guide for the exploitation of the DiGiPORT online content platform;
– A manual / guide for the design and implementation of relevant initiatives such as the Creative Online Hackathon;
– The evidence and data collected through the piloting activities in the
form of a consolidated report;
– Policy briefs for the promotion and wider establishment of initiatives for
the provision of supporting activities and services towards CCS professionals and micro firms.

Petit pas

The antic is a non-profit organisation (association). Its aim is to bring new projects, to encourage innovation and to improve the competitiveness of the Basque Country through a network of actors from different backgrounds. It is the Agency for the development of digital uses for the territory.

In short, it is more than 20 years of projects to boost the territory, more than €2.5M mobilised for local actors and project stakeholders, a continuous dynamic of cross-border cooperation and active partnership networks in Europe.

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Innovation Hive

Innovation Hive is a private non-profit organization located in Greece, specialized in the fields of research and innovation. Our actions aim to enhance the economic and social cohesion of European societies while our goal is to find solutions to the new innovation challenges, achieve growth, sustainability and maximize the impact to the society. The organization’s philosophy in order to achieve these goals is based on co-creation methodologies and a quadruple helix approach. The engagement of stakeholders from industry, science and society is aiming to create links between the businesses, the academia and the civic actors in order to develop a combination of knowledge, skills, tools, values and motivation. The final goal is to make the difference in local societies and to succeed at the highest level the principles of social innovation concepts.


Petit pas
Eurospeak Limited

Eurospeak Ireland is an educational technological consulting company dedicated to delivering educational products and specialised training.

It aims to promote educational tools through actions supporting an innovative and technologically creative environment, together with a special focus on disadvantaged groups and their economic and social inclusion.
Eurospeak Ireland’s purpose is to promote collaboration and educational enhancement through the development and use of educational technologies. We do this as a SME working in the market with companies needing some kind of support.


Petit pas

Citizens In Power (CIP) is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization. CIP aims at the development of different ramifications of entrepreneurship, education and democratic dialogue in Cyprus and abroad. To achieve those targets CIP has established an on-going collaboration with many leading universities and , NGOs and research organizations in Cyprus and abroad, especially for the development of innovative projects and international trainings or seminars as well as for the deployment of pedagogical educational material, by primarily using web platforms and other technological innovations.


Petit pas

FRAMEWORK is an Italian not-for profit association active in the fields of adult education, Youth, VET, using both formal and non formal education techniques and methods.

The mission of the association is promoting lifelong learning and professional development opportunities for all citizens in needs for wider and stronger employability skills, digital competences and in general better skills to achieve their professional and life plans. In particular, we are guided by 3 key principles: inclusion, empowerment and sustainability. Those elements are present in everything we do and are the key to ensure us we are offering the right opportunities to pour targets and allow them to increase their skills and ability to participate in society.


Petit pas

Business Foundation for Education (BFE) is a Bulgarian non-government organization established in 2005. Its mission is to facilitate the development of the civil society through initiatives that enhance human resource competitiveness and contribute to economic development and prosperity. To achieve its goals the Foundation implements variety of initiatives in the fields of lifelong learning and career guidance, employment and social policy, vocational education and training and youth work.
BFE is a recognized leader in the field of lifelong learning and career guidance in Bulgaria. Its initiatives gave a large impetus for the development of the career guidance system in the country and raise the awareness of all stakeholders and the general public about the benefits of lifelong guidance for all generations.
Since 2005 BFE has trained more than 1000 career guidance practitioners, established more than 100 career centers and developed innovative online tools and training methodologies for career guidance. BFE is actively involved in national and European projects which promote the employability, competitiveness and inclusion of citizens of all ages.


Petit pas

Association Hexagonale is a not profit, non-governmental, independent civil association focused on innovation and training.The mission of the association is to give people the forward-looking knowledge, skills and competences they need to innovate and prosper in all sectors.Key objectives of th association is to promote entrepreneurship activities , mentoring for employability, developing digital skills to enable all citizens to be active in digital society, developing digital skills for the digital economy, integration of disadvantaged groups, developing education and training tools.Association Hexagonale implements activities based on education, training and international activities.The association works today with a modern vision toward developing the society, through understanding the, information technology, communication, and interacts with the developing process by adapting methodologies.


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein. 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000035172

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